How to Upscale Midjourney Image Online in 2024

Tips & Ideas
Upscale Images For Free

In the ever-evolving digital art and photography landscape, the quest for perfection in image resolution and quality remains a paramount goal for creatives and enthusiasts alike. Midjourney AI and the Niji Model have revolutionised how we generate art, allowing us to create stunning visuals at the click of a button.Β 


However, as groundbreaking as these tools are, the images produced often leave us yearning for more clarity, depth, and life. This is where steps in, an AI-powered website designed to elevate your Midjourney creations.Β 


It can enhance photos online at 2X and 4X resolutions transforms your 1024 x 1024 pixel images into masterpieces of digital art. Whether using the U1, U2, U3, or U4 buttons to select your image from a grid or looking to breathe new life into your art, our Upscale tools, powered by advanced GPU technology, promise to bring your vision to reality with unparalleled depth and clarity. Let's embark on a journey to upscale Midjourney images, unlocking the full potential of your digital creations and making every pixel count.


What are Midjourney Images?



Midjourney images refer to the visuals created by the Midjourney AI, an artificial intelligence program that generates digital art and images based on user textual descriptions. This AI leverages deep learning algorithms to interpret the input text and produce images ranging from highly realistic to abstract or fantastical, depending on the prompts.


The uniqueness of Midjourney images lies in their diversity and the AI's ability to capture a broad spectrum of styles and subjects. Users can guide the AI with detailed descriptions or explore creative possibilities by experimenting with vague or imaginative prompts. The resulting images can serve various purposes, such as inspiration for artists, visualisation for writers, concept art for designers, or simply standalone digital art pieces.


Midjourney often operates through a user-friendly interface, like a Discord server, where users can input commands to generate images. The technology behind Midjourney continues to evolve, with regular updates enhancing its capabilities, image quality, and user experience.


What Is AI Upscaling?

AI upscaling is a sophisticated technique beyond traditional methods of making an image larger. Instead of simply stretching the image to a bigger size, which often results in a blurry or pixelated picture, AI upscaling uses advanced algorithms to intelligently add details that weren't initially visible in the smaller version.


Imagine you have a basic image of a crown that looks plain due to its low resolution. Traditional upscaling makes this image more significant, but AI upscaling does something more impressive: it can enhance the crown by adding intricate details like jewels, making them sharp and clear in the larger image.


This is possible because AI upscaling technology analyses the image and predicts what the missing details should look like based on learning from vast amounts of data. It fills these gaps with new, generated details that make the upscaled image look more realistic and detailed than the original. This technology is similar to how AI image generation works, using predictions to create or enhance parts of an image where detail is lacking.


How to Upscale Midjourney Images Online?

Elevating the resolution and quality of Midjourney images has never been easier, thanks to the advent of online upscaling tools. These platforms offer a seamless way to enhance digital art, making every detail sharper and more profound.


Part 1- Image Creation



Before diving into how to upscale Midjourney images, let's start with the basics of creating photos using this AI-driven tool. Initially, the idea of using this program might seem daunting. Yet, crafting stunning AI photos is surprisingly quick, taking just a few moments. Plus, the exciting news is that generating photo art with Midjourney doesn't cost a thing it's completely free.


Step 1: Sign Up for Discord



  • What to do: Before anything else, create a Discord account. Discord is a free platform where you can chat through text or voice.
  • Why it's easy: Signing up is quick, straightforward, and doesn't cost anything.


Step 2: Join Midjourney Beta



  • What to do: With your Discord account ready, open your web browser and go to the Midjourney website. Look for a button or link that says "Join the Beta" and click on it. This action will take you to Discord to accept an invitation and sign into your Discord account.
  • Why it's easy: It’s just clicking through to get everything set up.


Step 3: Find the Midjourney Server



  • What to do: Once in Discord, look for the Midjourney symbol, which looks like a white ship, on the left side of your screen. Seeing this symbol means you've successfully joined the Midjourney server.
  • Why it's easy: It's like adding a friend on your favorite social media platform.


Step 4: Access Midjourney on Discord



  • What to do: Open a new browser tab and go to the Midjourney Discord link (
  • Why it's easy: This is just like visiting any website.


Step 5: Start Creating



  • What to do: In the Midjourney Discord, pick a room for newcomers. Once there, type /imagine followed by the keywords for your desired image, like "dragons" or "nature." You can ask for specific styles, like 4K or hyper-realistic images.
  • Why it's easy: It’s as simple as typing a message.


Step 6: Customize Your Request



  • What to do: Use --v 4 if you want to use Midjourney’s version 4 for better quality. Adjust the aspect ratio by typing --2:3, 1:1, or 3:2, depending on your need.
  • Why it's easy: It’s like choosing your phone’s camera app settings.


Step 7: Generate Your Image



  • What to do: Press Enter to submit your request. Then, choose a version of the generated image you'd like to upscale and create up to 25 variations.
  • Why it's easy: With a simple command, Midjourney does all the work, and you get to enjoy a variety of beautiful images.


Part 2 - Midjourney Image Upscale

Exploring the world of digital creation with Midjourney opens up endless possibilities for generating modern and captivating images. While Midjourney excels in creating high-quality digital art, its maximum image resolution caps at 1664 x 1664 pixels.


This resolution is adequate for digital viewing on devices like smartphones and computers. However, if you're aiming for crystal-clear prints or need your images to maintain their quality on larger displays, you'll find the resolution limiting. This is where comes into play, offering a seamless solution for enhancing your Midjourney images.


How Transforms Your Digital Art? is an innovative online platform designed to upscale your Midjourney images effortlessly, by up to 8x or 800% of the original size, ensuring that the essence and quality of your artwork are preserved.


Imagine your creations expanded to 4000 x 4000 pixels, ready for high-resolution applications, without worrying about pixelation or quality degradation. Our tool supports various image formats, such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, and BMP, catering to your diverse needs. The process is straightforward and accessible for images up to 10MB, making is your go-to digital art enhancement tool.


How to Easily Upscale Your Midjourney Image with


Step 1: Visit



First, open your web browser and go to This is where you'll start the magic of upscaling your images.


Step 2: Upload Your Image



Once you're on, look for a button that says "Select File" or something similar. Click on it to find the Midjourney image you want to upscale from your computer folders. You can also drag and drop your image directly onto the page, which is pretty cool and quick.


Step 3: Choose Your Upscale Size



After uploading your image, you can choose how much you want to upscale it. You can double the size with 2X or go even bigger with 4X. Just pick the option that suits what you need.


Step 4: Preview Your Image



Hit the button to upscale your image. Wait a moment, and then you can see a preview of your upscaled image. This lets you check out how great it looks after the transformation.


Step 5: Download Your Upscaled Image



Are you happy with the preview? Awesome! You can download the upscaled image to your device with just a click. Save it and use it wherever you need, all crisp and clear.


Bonus Tip: Try Our Premium Service

If you've got a lot of images to upscale, consider using our Premium service. It's perfect for bulk transformations. While single images are free, our Premium service is free to manage multiple pictures.


Upscaling your Midjourney images with is super easy and quick. Just follow these steps, and you'll have high-resolution images ready soon!


Part 3: Extra Tips: Get Your Midjourney Images Ready for Printing with

When turning your Midjourney images into prints, there's a little detail you shouldn't miss: the DPI, or "dots per inch." Think of DPI as the number of ink dots a printer uses to make your picture. For a sharp print, you want about 300 dots for every inch of your photo.


But there's something called PPI too, which stands for "pixels per inch." This is about the picture itself, not the printer. To get a clear print, the PPI of your image should match the DPI your printer uses. So, if your printer puts 300 ink dots per inch, your image should have 300 pixels for every inch too. Some printers use more or fewer dots, so it's good to check.


You were using, you can ensure your Midjourney images have the proper PPI for printing. Just upscale your image to make it bigger and clearer without losing quality. This way, when it's time to print, your image will have enough pixels to match up with the printer's DPI, giving you a beautiful, crisp print.


Understanding DPI and PPI for Perfect Prints


The Importance of DPI in Printing

When printing photos, DPI (dots per inch) is often overlooked. DPI refers to the number of ink dots a printer can place within one inch of the photo paper. A standard for high-quality prints is 300 DPI, meaning the printer will apply up to 300 tiny ink dots within every inch. This density of dots ensures that your printed photo looks sharp and detailed.


Matching Image Resolution with Printer DPI

To achieve the best print quality, the PPI (pixels per inch) of your Midjourney photo should match the DPI capability of your printer. PPI is related to your image's resolution and indicates how many pixels are within one inch of your digital image. If your printer supports 300 DPI, your image must have a resolution corresponding to this printing standard to avoid pixelation or blurriness.


Calculating Image Resolution for Printing

You want to print a 5x5 inch photo on a printer that supports 300 DPI. To ensure your print is clear and crisp, your digital image needs to have a minimum resolution of 1500 x 1500 pixels (5 inches x 300 DPI by 5 inches x 300 DPI). This calculation ensures that the number of pixels in your digital image matches the number of ink dots the printer will use per inch, resulting in a high-quality print.


Remembering the Math for Quality Prints

To summarize, always match your image's resolution with your printer's DPI capability for the best printing results. For a 300 DPI printer, multiply the dimensions of your desired print size (in inches) by 300 to determine your image's minimum resolution. This simple math can significantly affect the quality of your printed photos, ensuring they look professional and transparent.


Make Your Photos Pop: Sharpening and Editing Tips

When you're ready to print your photos, you'll want them to look as clear and vibrant as possible. Unlike pictures on your computer or phone screen, printed images often need a little extra sharpening to bring out their best details.


Prints can sometimes look dull or blurry compared to digital displays. Tools like Deep Image AI, Topaz, Photoshop, and make your Midjourney photos sharper. Remember not to go too far with it too much sharpening can make your photos look unnatural.


Resize and Crop for Perfection

Sometimes, your photo might not need more sharpness but just a slight adjustment in size or composition. Cropping is a handy solution if your image already fits the aspect ratio you want but has parts you'd instead not include in the final print.


Cropping lets you cut out those unwanted parts, like distracting backgrounds, ensuring the focus is on your main subject. When cropping, it's essential to use a tool that lets you keep the aspect ratio the same. Th


Choosing the Right Format and Testing Your Prints


Opt for PNG When Printing

When you're ready to print your Midjourney images, consider using JPG because it's expected. But here's a tip: go with PNG instead. Unlike JPG, which loses some quality every time you save it because it's a "lossy" format, PNG keeps your image as good as the original.


The "lossless" format compresses the image without messing up the quality. Plus, PNG works better for pictures with text, making everything look sharper and more transparent. So, remember to choose PNG for your prints unless your printer's instructions say otherwise.


Make a Test Print First

Doing a test print before you finish your final piece is also super important. This might seem like an extra step, but it can save you a lot of trouble. Many print shops will do a test print for free so you can check how your image looks in real life.Β 


Or, you can print a small part of your picture at home to see if everything looks right, from colors to sharpness. This way, you can make any needed adjustments before printing the whole thing, ensuring your final product is exactly what you want.


By following these simple but crucial steps choosing PNG for its quality and doing a test print you'll be much happier with how your printed images turn out.


How do I upscale Midjourney images using

After generating images with Midjourney, visit and upload your chosen image. Select your desired upscale rate (2X or 4X) for the image. Our tool will then enhance the resolution, ensuring your art is ready for high-quality prints or digital displays without losing detail.

Is it free to upscale images on

Yes, upscaling single images on is currently free. You can easily upscale Midjourney images to 2X or 4X at no cost. Consider exploring our Premium service for users looking to upscale multiple images or access advanced features.

Can I upscale Midjourney images to a custom size? primarily offers 2X and 4X upscaling options. Suppose you're looking for a specific resolution or size. In that case, these options are designed to significantly enhance the quality and dimensions of your images, making them suitable for various purposes, from digital use to large prints.

What file formats does support for upscaling? supports popular image formats, including JPG, JPEG, PNG, and BMP. This ensures compatibility with the wide range of outputs from Midjourney and other digital art tools, allowing for easy and versatile upscaling solutions.

How does upscaling affect the DPI of my image?

You are upscaling with improves the resolution of your image, which can help achieve a higher DPI (dots per inch) for printing purposes. While upscaling enhances the pixel dimensions, ensuring a more unmistakable print, it's essential to match the upscaled image’s resolution with your printer's DPI capability for the best results.

What should I do if I need to upscale a large batch of images?

For those needing to upscale multiple images at once, offers a Premium service tailored for bulk transformations. This service is ideal for professionals and users with high-volume upscaling needs, providing a time-efficient solution without compromising quality.

Explore Our Product In-Depth With A Free 1:1 Session
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Sanjay Choudhury

Upscale.Media is a boon for businesses. The image enhancer helps me create stunning visuals for marketing materials, and the enlarged images look fantastic in our promotional campaigns.

Riya Khanna

This website is a gem for DIY enthusiasts like me. I used Upscale.Media to enhance photos for a home project, and the results were incredible. The details it brought out were beyond my expectations.

Aditya Kapoor

Upscale.Media is a must-have for anyone who values quality in their visuals. The image enhancer does wonders for my blog, making my content more visually appealing. It's a blogger's dream!

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